Sunday, August 24, 2014

Today's Kimspiration - "My Classroom Disaster: Fuss or Trust?"

Welcome Back!  That's all that I could think as I entered into my classroom last Wednesday.  I had come up to my school to put up the last bit of my decor (something I was ready to Instagram-brag about), as I noticed that me and a construction worker were walking simultaneously down the hall to the same place.  My classroom.  "No big deal," I thought.  My principal had told me that she wanted to get the floor fixed in my room as it was starting to kind of cave-in along the back wall.  No big deal because it was a small area about a foot long and anything they did shouldn't have hindered my progress.  That was my thought process, until I turned the corner and opened the door.  BIG DEAL, VERY BIG DEAL!!!!  Yup, that pic below is what I turned and saw.  The second picture is the other wonderful half of my classroom.  Yes, incase you were wondering, they had covered all my pre-arranged desk, (you know, the ones, I literally sat and mapped out just like I wanted for like 30 minutes) and shoved them to one side of my classroom.

I couldn't even speak (for those who know me, that's not very often).  I just stood there and took out my camera and took a pic as evidence that I was indeed not dreaming, and thought "Welcome Back."  Then, since I was in the room with 4 other men, I got myself together enough to ask, "When will this be complete?".  A guy answered, in a chuckle, "I don't know.  I know that we will lay the concrete down today though."  "Welcome Back" I thought.  Each time I thought those two words it got more and more sarcastic.  So, I left because I couldn't bare to be in the room a second longer, and with my best teacher/controlling logic, I thought "Okay, this is crazy, but it will be okay.  I'll just give it a day, and then I'm sure it will be ready to go by Friday.  All they have to do is let the concrete dry and lay the tile.  That should be plenty of time."  So, I left and gave it some time to get itself together.

Friday came and I eagerly arrived at the school to see if my predictions were indeed correct.  As I walked down the hall, I could see our custodian outside of my room.  I walked up to him and said, "Tell me that I'm not going to scream when I walk in here."  He smiled and said, "Weeeeelllll....."  That's when I turned the corner to my room and below is what I saw.  You see, I knew that they dug a hole in my classroom floor, but I didn't really think about how.  The only way to get through a concrete foundation is to (you guessed it) jack hammer!  So, not only did I still have an unfinished floor, but I also had dust on every single item of my entire classroom, whether it was covered or not.  Not what I wanted to see.

Again, I tried not to panic. "Keep it together Kim," I told myself.  Then, I went to talked to my principal to get a timeline of exactly when this would all be complete.  The short of it was, Wednesday.  That would be 5 days before the first day of school.  I calmly told my principal that I understood, walked out of the building into my car and then my friends I began to PANIC!!!  You see, this not only is a new school year for me, it's a new school, a new subject and a new age (I'm going from kindergarten to high school).  I was trying to finish early so that I wouldn't have to panic!  I still didn't even know what I was going to be teaching, or what I was going to do on the first week of school, yet alone the first day.  And now, with only 5 days, I'd have to pull it all together.  Oh yeah, I really panicked, then stressed, then told the story over and over to my poor unsuspecting husband. (bless his heart)  You wanna know the one thing that I didn't do?  PRAY.  Never once did I even think to ask God, for his help, guidance or understanding.  I was so wrapped up in my situation and the things I couldn't control, that I forgot to pursue the one being that has ALL control.

Eventually, I came to myself and realized that I needed a higher power on this one.  So, I went to my thinking spot, the shower, and I didn't ask God to save me or help me or fix the problem. Instead I prayed a prayer of thanks. I thanked my Father for giving me a job in the first place. A job that I had been praying about for several years. A job that allowed me to help others and lead me toward the reason why he made me a teacher. I even thanked him for my circumstance. One because it could have been much worse and two because it gave me a chance to show what He can do even when I can't.

So you're probably wondering how it all ended.  Well, after tiling and waxing the floor, I didn't actually get to put my room back together until Friday.  That made 2 days before the first day of school.  Ordinarily, I would have truly lost it, but God helped me realize that I couldn't control the situation, so I had the choice to either fuss or trust.  Trust that if I asked Him to handle the situation, he would.  I didn't need to do anything else but wait on Him.  So, I did.  Wanna know something crazy?  It actually has turned out to be a blessing!  I got re-organized, created new computer documents, made copies, rethought my approach of how things would be arranged, and made a lot of new friends to stopped by to tell me that they felt sorry for me.  Plus, my room got new paint, fixed windows, new tile, and freshly mopped and waxed floors.  I practically got a brand new classroom!  Check it out!

So, if you are reading this today and you can relate to an uncontrollable situation (tough job situation, out of control student, health concern) in your own life,  I have a challenge for you.  I dare you.  I double-dog dare you to TRUST NOT FUSS and thank Him and allow Him to work whatever your challenge is out. Then, after you do that, like Elsa from Frozen, I dare you to "Let it Go" and see what God will do in your life.  He can take your situation and make it better than it ever would have it you had tried to do it on your own.  Not only that, He will give you a story to tell about His goodness.  I'm not promising you that it will be easy, but I do promise that it will be rewarding.  Matthew 6:27 puts it best:

"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

No matter what the outcome, you are better off by not allowing yourself to stress over because it won't add any value to yourself or the people around you.  So there's your challenge.  I'd love to hear your war stories, but especially your victories through Christ.  To all my teacher friends, good luck to you in this new school year.  Remember that your class may outnumber you in size, but one person with FAITH is the majority!  God bless each of your precious babies both big and small and bless you to be everything that they will need this school year!

As always, be blessed and be a blessing,


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Today's Kimspiration: Trust God

Ever get in a situation that you feel like is hopeless?  I know that there has been more than a time or two that I was in a situation and calling for God's help, with no answer in return. answer, so I thought. This girl sings a song that we can all relate to.  Questioning why God allows certain things to happen without rescuing us.  Just like in this song, I'm here to remind you that God does hear you.  He knows your  pain and he knows what you are going through. He always has our good in mind and He will never fail us.  Romans 8:28 says, "Fir we know ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

So, if you are struggling out there in your own life, I have two words that will change your life for the better.  TRUST GOD.  He will never fail you or let you down.  It's like the old saying goes, "He may not be there when you want Him, but He's always right on time."  Have a little faith and see His goodness.  Have a Happy Sunday friends!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday: Kim and Kanye Wedding

Ah wedding season!  Can't you just hear the wedding bells ringing? Well there were some bells heard around the world this past weekend. That's right!  Kim Kardashian and Kanye West tied the knot this past Saturday. How exciting! How sweet!  How.... does this get you closer to your dream?  Well this week's Wanna Be Wednesday will help explain.

Have you ever been faced with a big opportunity but didn't know if you should do it or not?   Well you my friend might have commitment issues. And the only way to get rid of commitment issues is to learn to say "I do!"  This week's WBW will give you everything you need to take on challenges and know how to handle those tough decisions.   Remember, that committing to anything is always hard work, but we'll worth it in the end. Keep going for your dreams and don't let anyone stop you (especially your own self)!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Let's Get a Little Caught Up

Man, life has been awesome lately...AND awesomely busy!  I'm so thankful for all the God's many blessings like my beautiful kids, my awesome husband, my job, my friends, my church.  The blessings go on and on, but like the Bible says "Whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required" Luke 12:48.  So, with all of those blessings it has taken away time. So, I'm posted a couple of Wanna Be Wednesday's to get you all caught up.  No one said that going for your dreams won't get hectic at times, and there are times when you have to take a step back and get things in order.  However, it's those moments that show what we are really made of.  So, as you go for your dreams, don't forget that bumps along the road will come, but don't let it take you off your path!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


What you can learn from Solange vs. Jay-Z in the elevator

Let Johnny Football Show You How to Get What You Want

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Kimspiration: Happy Mother's Day!

To all my fellow mother friends.  There is only one job in the world that I would never sign up for on paper, that I willingly and happily do every single day... being a mother.  Being a mom is one o f the hardest things that I have ever done.  The hours are long, the pay stinks, you have to get down and dirty; really it's not easy.  BUT it is by far one of the best things that I've ever done.  Waking up every day seeing my two little mini-me's literally keeps me going. Getting to teach them about the world and shape them into little Christian men and women is literally an honor to me.  It's weird, although a lot about it is hard and tiring, I really don't mind and wouldn't trade it for the world.

To my own mother who's job I didn't truly understand until I became one, I want to say THANK YOU for all the tireless hours and sacrifice you put in just to make us look good.  I still haven't figured out how you did some things do well and I'm pretty sure my own kids won't be able to say that their mother was amazing at them, but I'm trying.  I love you very much and I'm glad to say that you're not just my mom but you're my best friend!

Now, to my future mothers.  Those of you wanting desperately to be a mom and it hasn't happened yet and those of you who just aren't there yet.  Enjoy this phase of life!  Motherhood is the BOMB, but it doesn't come without sacrifices.  So, while you are in God's waiting room, don't fret over what you DON'T have (even though I know that's easier said than done), enjoy what you DO have: flexibility, freedom, downtime.  Ask any mother, they would pay you for some of those things!  So enjoy life now because when God says so it can change in the blink of an eye! 

No matter what the situation I say, "Happy Mother's Day!"

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - Find Your Passion from Grey ' s Anatomy

One of my favorite things to see is someone doing whatever they do best with passion. It doesn't matter who it is our what they are doing, I actually get chills seeing people be the best that he or she can be at their craft. 

Now that all seems well unless you are one of those people had trouble figuring out what in the heck you are supposed to be passionate about!   Today's Wanna Be Wednesday will explore how to find your passion by studying one of my favorite characters on one of my favorite shows Cristina Yang on Grey's Anatomy.  One thing about Christina, she is definitely passionate about what she does.  So, of course we can learn a lot!  

Remember the only way to get to our dreams is we must first have passion.  Then, we should take that passion and point it to Christ and ultimately,  our purpose can truly begin. So Wanna-bes, cheers to growing in your passion and using it to expand God's Kingdom!   Have a wonderful week and don't forget to hustle for your dreams every day!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Today's Kimspiration - You've Got To Have Passion

This week we will learn how to find our passion.  I'm going to leave you with one of my idols and favorite speakers Les Brown. No explanation necessary, just listen.  I mean it, just listen and remember that God gave us all a passion, so find it and point it back towards Him!  Happy Sunday!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday: Do it for the Vine and Make Small Things Big Things

I don't know about you, but I've been under a little pressure lately. Nothing big and actually nothing others are giving me. I've been pressuring my own self. I'm always trying to do more and be more. I get weary sometimes of just the small tasks in life. I can hear God asking me to slow down and all I can do is think is,  "I hear you Lord but can someone else do that? I'm over hear trying to save the world!"  Can you believe that?  God asks me to do something and I say "I ain't gonna do it".  It happens easier than you think. Well, if you're anything remotely like me, this week's Wanna Be Wednesday will give you a little more understanding of why listening to your Spirit is important. 

Sometimes when God says, "Do it for the Vine, " not only should we listen but we should GET IT!  Have a wonderful week and don't forget to hustle for the things you dream about every day!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday: Prom Please? - How to Get Creative

I can't help but to look at all these prom pictures that have been posted lately on all forms of social media and get a little nostalgic of the olden days when I was in high school.  Every year prom was always exciting. Girls were looking for the best dress.  Guys were trying to borrow their mama's ride to have something to pick up their date in.  And everyone was buying at least 3-4 wind up disposable cameras to capture all their memories.  My how times have changed!

Now the kids have their own cars and who needs a camera when you have a cell phone!?!  The bottom line is things have changed. Even how teens ask for prom have changed. So them why are we having such a hard time thinking outside the box?  We all have to remember that change is inevitable so it's imperative that we learn how to think outside of the box to stay on our game. Today's Wanna Be Wednesday gives you tips on how to do just that and reminds you of the importance of asking for the things you want.  Have a great week Wanna Be's and keep hustlin' for your dreams!  Remember creativity is key! 

Be blessed and be a blessing, 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Today's Kimspiration: Hold On

I can't help but post this inspirational song!  Today is Resurrection Sunday and I can't help but to think of Jesus before His crucifixion.  He soul was troubled.  He was going through tough times, but he remembered to "Hold On" and in the end He fulfilled God's purpose.  As you go through your week, be blessed and remember to "Hold On" to your dreams and it will be alright!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - The Crucifixion of Jesus

It's finally starting to feel like spring!  After all of those cold Winter days, the warmth of spring feels SO awesome!  I know that's how we feel as we go for our dreams sometimes doesn't it?  Here we are going for our dreams, then we go through some rough Winter patches.  It seems like we going to be stuck in that season of hard times forever.  So much so that we forget that that Spring will be right around the corner.  Then, the next thing you know, you are where you wanted to be.

Do you ever think that Jesus felt like that?  Do you think He struggled in the hard times?  Well, this week's Wanna Be Wednesday will show He struggle did indeed experience hard times, but through it all He kept God's purpose in mind. My fellow Wanna Be's we've all got to learn how to do just that.  Good thing that this weeks episode shows you exactly how!  I hope that you remember Jesus' example this week as you live out your dreams.  Happy Easter!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - Bo & Butch Ryan: Wisconsin's Men's Basketball

Okay, I know what you are thinking.  The guys are like "Yes basketball, finally something I can relate to!" and ladies,you are thinking, "Kim, you want ME to learn from basketball about my dream to be a ballet teacher?"  Don't you worry your pretty little heards.  We can learn something from anything if we look through the eyes of success and today is no exception.  Take a look as we discuss how success starts as a child and builds as you grow.  You have to see yourself where you are heading and slowly, with the help of God, you will get there.  Enjoy your day and keep on hustlin'!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today's Kimspiration

In life we often get frozen with fear of the unknown, but often those fears are just "False Evidence Appearing Real".  Don't let your imagination of what could happen keep you from experiencing what God had in store for you. All you have to do is trust Him and LET IT GO!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Food for Thought

Remember that staying frozen will keep you in the same spot on your journey. Surround yourself with positive thinking, motivational speakers and the weird of God and the light will get you unstuck and on your way toward your dreams!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - How "Let it Go" from Frozen Can Keep You Pursuing Your Dreams

Ever been excited about a project?  I mean you're pumped and ready to go and share what you have with the world... and then you realize that you haven't the slightest clue where to even start.  Oh yeah, I have been there a many of times baby!  Then what do I typically do?  I just move on to another project so I can get that same excited feeling all over again.  Now, you may be better than me at this, but I have a feeling that I'm not alone.

So, what do you do?  How can you keep going?  Today's Wanna Be Wednesday is right on time.  Learn how to face your fears and stay unfrozen as you pursue what God has in store for you.  Remember, "The their cometh to steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10), so don't let Satan keep you from God's purpose.  All you have to do is "Let it Go" and let God do the rest!  Have a great Wednesday!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - #Selfie

The selfie is not a new concept.  As a matter of fact, some of you are probably taking one right now.  However, if you put some music behind taking these popular pics, it becomes an epidemic!  The big question is, how can selfies help get you to your dreams?  Check out this week's Wanna Be Wednesday and find out as we learn from the song #Selfie by The Chainsmokers.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday

Sometimes it takes everything in you to just survive!  As we go along life's journey, there are bound to be some obstacles that we will have to tackle.  Learning how to manage those obstacles will make the difference in if you succeed for fail.  Check out today's Wanna Be Wednesday, as we look at what we can learn from my new favorite show The Walking Dead!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday

Learn from one of my besties and High School College Counselor, LaQuiera Gantt how to go for your dreams and pursue a college degree.  She gives all kinds of tips from how to get scholarship money to which tests to take and win.  Just another reason why we should not let anything stop us.  Go for your dreams!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Today's Kimspiration

Justa reminder to always be yourself as you go for what you want!  Learning to express yourself like no one is watching is the only way others can connect to the true you. So, work at being genuine.  Now, get ready to check out tomorrow's Wanna Be Wednesday featuring my first guest.  See you tomorrow!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - #Nae Nae

The #Nae Nae is the latest dance out of Atlanta that is all the craze.  People of all races, genders and backgrounds have joined in posting videos of themselves doing the #Nae Nae.  So what does it have to do with your success?  Check out today's WBW to learn exactly how you can dance into the life of your dreams!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Happy Sunday

Shout to the Rooftops "I AM YOURS" for he is good!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - Olivia Pope in Scandal

As we go for our dreams, we may run into a couple scandals trying to hold us down.  Who better to teach us what to do than, Olivia Pope!  Check out this week's WBW to find out more!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - Ice JJ Fish

If you don't know who Iced JJ Fish is, you definitely need to check him out.  He's been a You-Tube sensation and recently went viral with his latest music video.  More than anything, he can teach us a thing or two about chasing our dreams.  Find out how we can on this week's Wanna Be Wednesday!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Coming Tomorrow!

You don't want to miss tomorrow's Wanna Be Wednesday.  We will be covering why we should go for our dreams like Ice JJ Fish!  If you don't know who he is, PLEASE check out the video below! It's definitely worth your time lol. See ya tomorrow!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Today's Kimspiration

Don't let hurdles stop you on the road to success. GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday

Hey there Wanna-be's!  There's always going to be some type of hurdle getting in your way on the road to success.  Learn from Olympic and World Champion athlete Lolo Jones how to keep pushing!  Here's a hint: there's more than one way to become a champion! ;)

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Friday, February 7, 2014

Today's Kimspiration

Don't forget that you are the best at what you do so don't quit!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Want to be wednesday Bruno Mars haltftime show

See today how we can learn how to go for our dreams from Bruno Mars. One thing is for sure if you're going to go for your dreams you gotta rock it! 
Be blessed and be a blessing,

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday Message

I don't know about you but today I needed this reminder. I've been focusing far too much on what I fell is impossible and not remembering to trust Him.  Take this one to harry friends because God deserves our trust!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today's Kimspiration

Never let anyone take your confidence.  What God has put in you, no one can take away, so be confident that through Him all things are possible!
Be blessed and be a blessing,

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wanna Be Wednesday - Richard Sherman

Today on Wanna Be Wednesday, learn what how to go for your dreams and handle yourself from Richard Sherman, corner from the Seattle Seahawks.  Remember, don't let anyone DARE talk about your dreams!
Be Blessed and Be Blessing,

Monday, January 27, 2014

Today's Kimspiration

As we go for our dreams, things won't always go our way.  That doesn't mean that we aren't able to use those situations to bring about good.  Sometimes we have to just step back and figure out how God can turn that situation into something that can make us stronger.  Don't give up!  There's always a chance to start again and take another shot!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Wanna Be Wednesday

Who needs the Superbowl when you have American Idol Auditions?  They make you laugh, they make you cry, they teach you how to go for your dreams!  Check out this week's episode of Wanna Be Wednesday to experience it all!

Be blessed and be a blessing,


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How The Bachelor Can Teach You Success

Hey there Wanna-Be's!  I hope you are ready for another Wanna Be Wednesday!  On today's episode you can learn how show someone who you really are in the first 30 seconds. What it all boils down to is being authentic. That's right, just "Do you Boo Boo!"  Have a great week and go for your dreams!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wanna-Be Wednesday: Be Like Lil Terio

Now that we have committed to our New Year Goals, don't let yourself start slipping back into your old ways. We've got to be like Terio and "Ooh, Oooh, Ooh Kill Em'!

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Monday, January 6, 2014

Coming Up on Wanna Be Wednesday!

That's right.  There's even a lesson to be learned from Terio!  Be ready to check me out in a couple days on the next episode of Wanna Be Wednesday!  Can't wait until then?  Follow me on Instagram and twitter for daily inspiration.  @kosborneinspire

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wanna-Be Wednesday: What You Can Learn From the Kardashians

Okay Wanna-be's, so here's it is as promised.  Hope you enjoy!  Don't forget to subscribe!
Be blessed and be a blessing,